You can create Data Access reports using the Admin API v1
method. This report shows you each time a user reads Google Analytics
data. Data access records are retained for up to 2 years. Data access
reports are only available to users with Administrator role.
Request a Data Access report using the client library
The quickest way to get started with Data Access reports is to use the client libraries.
See the Quick start guide for an explanation on how to install and configure the Google Analytics client libraries.
Here's an example using the Python client library that runs a data access query and prints the response.
from datetime import datetime from import AnalyticsAdminServiceClient from import ( AccessDateRange, AccessDimension, AccessMetric, RunAccessReportRequest, ) def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID (e.g. "123456") before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_access_report(property_id) def run_access_report(property_id: str, transport: str = None): """ Runs an access report for a Google Analytics property. The report will aggregate over dimensions `userEmail`, `accessedPropertyId`, `reportType`, `revenueDataReturned`, `costDataReturned`, `userIP`, and return the access count, as well as the most recent access time for each combination. See for the description of each field used in a data access report query. Args: property_id(str): The Google Analytics Property ID. transport(str): The transport to use. For example, "grpc" or "rest". If set to None, a transport is chosen automatically. """ client = AnalyticsAdminServiceClient(transport=transport) request = RunAccessReportRequest( entity=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[ AccessDimension(dimension_name="userEmail"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="accessedPropertyId"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="reportType"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="revenueDataReturned"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="costDataReturned"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="userIP"), AccessDimension(dimension_name="mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros"), ], metrics=[AccessMetric(metric_name="accessCount")], date_ranges=[AccessDateRange(start_date="yesterday", end_date="today")], ) access_report = client.run_access_report(request) print("Result:") print_access_report(access_report) def print_access_report(response): """Prints the access report.""" print(f"{response.row_count} rows received") for dimensionHeader in response.dimension_headers: print(f"Dimension header name: {dimensionHeader.dimension_name}") for metricHeader in response.metric_headers: print(f"Metric header name: {metricHeader.metric_name})") for rowIdx, row in enumerate(response.rows): print(f"\nRow {rowIdx}") for i, dimension_value in enumerate(row.dimension_values): dimension_name = response.dimension_headers[i].dimension_name if dimension_name.endswith("Micros"): # Convert microseconds since Unix Epoch to datetime object. dimension_value_formatted = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(dimension_value.value) / 1000000 ) else: dimension_value_formatted = dimension_value.value print(f"{dimension_name}: {dimension_value_formatted}") for i, metric_value in enumerate(row.metric_values): metric_name = response.metric_headers[i].metric_name print(f"{metric_name}: {metric_value.value}")
Shared features with Core reports
Data Access report requests have the same semantics as Core report requests for many common features. For example Pagination, Dimension Filters, and Date Ranges behave the same in both report types.
Familiarize yourself with the overview of Core reports in the Data API v1, then return to this page to learn more about Data Access reports.
Create a Data Access report
Use the runAccessReport method to request a Data Access report.
Select a reporting entity
Similar to the Core reporting
functionality of the
Data API v1, runAccessReport
method of the Google Analytics Admin API v1 requires the Google Analytics
property identifier to be specified inside
a URL request path in the form of properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID
, such as:
The resulting Data Access report is generated based on the Google Analytics data access records for the specified Google Analytics property.
If you are using one of the Admin API client libraries,
there is no need to manipulate the request URL path manually. Most API clients
provide a property
parameter that expects a string in the form of
. See the code
snippet at the
beginning of this page for an example of using the client libraries.
Choose dimensions and metrics
describe and group access data for your property. For example, the dimension
indicates the email of the user that accessed reporting data.
Dimension values in report responses are strings.
represent the quantitative measurements of a report. The accessCount
returns the total number of data access records.
See the Data Access Schema for a full list of dimension and metric names available in Data Access report requests.
Request the Report
To request Data Access reports, construct a RunAccessReportRequest object. We recommend starting with these request parameters:
- At least one valid entry in the date ranges field.
- At least one valid entry in the dimensions field.
- If not using the
dimension, at least one valid entry in the metrics field to receive quantitative data for each combination of dimension values in a report.
Here is a sample request with the recommended fields. This query will generate a list of user emails, the most recent time they accessed the specified property during the range of last 7 days, and the corresponding access count.
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "7daysAgo",
"endDate": "today"
"dimensions": [
"dimensionName": "mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros"
"dimensionName": "userEmail"
"metrics": [
"metricName": "accessCount"
Read the response
The Data Access report
response is
primarily a header and rows. The header consists of
which list the columns in the Report.
Each access report
row consists of
for the columns in the report. The ordering of columns is consistent in the
request, the header, and every row.
Here is a sample response for the preceding sample request:
"dimensionHeaders": [
"dimensionName": "mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros"
"dimensionName": "userEmail"
"metricHeaders": [
"metricName": "accessCount"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "1667591408427733"
"value": ""
"metricValues": [
"value": "1238"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "1667710959827161"
"value": ""
"metricValues": [
"value": "475"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "1667868650762743"
"value": ""
"metricValues": [
"value": "96"
"rowCount": 3
Filter on access records
Use the dimensionFilter field of the RunAccessReportRequest object to restrict report response to specific dimension values which match the filter.
The following example generates a report based on individual data access
records, filtering on access records of a single user with email
. The report contains the time of each access record, user's
email and IP address.
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "7daysAgo",
"endDate": "today"
"dimensions": [
"dimensionName": "epochTimeMicros"
"dimensionName": "userEmail"
"dimensionName": "userIP"
"dimensionFilter": {
"accessFilter": {
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"stringFilter": {
"matchType": "EXACT",
"value": ""
Similarly, the
field of the
object can be used to restrict report response to specific metric values which
match the filter.
The following example generates a report containing emails and access counts of all users, who accessed the specified property more than 100 times.
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "7daysAgo",
"endDate": "today"
"dimensions": [
"dimensionName": "userEmail"
"metricFilter": {
"accessFilter": {
"numericFilter": {
"operation": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": {
"int64Value": 100
"fieldName": "accessCount"
"metrics": [
"metricName": "accessCount"
Example reports
Here are some sampler reports you can try.
Most recent access
The following sample access report that can be created using runAccessReport
Most recent access Unix epoch time micros | User email | Access count |
1525220215025371 | | 5 |
1525220215028361 | | 36 |
1525220215027671 | | 1153 |
1525220215027341 | | 1 |
This report can be generated by querying
dimensions mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros
and the accessCount
metric. The
report contains one row per each user: mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros
dimension aggregates data access records for each user accessing the property
and returns the last access time (in Unix microseconds since the
epoch) for each row.
User access breakdown
Another example of a useful report is a breakdown of user accesses by Access Mechanism (e.g. Google Analytics User Interface, API, etc).
Most recent access Unix epoch time micros | User email | Access mechanism | Access count |
1525220215028367 | | Firebase | 31 |
1525220215555778 | | Google Analytics User Interface | 1 |
1525220215022378 | | Google Analytics User Interface | 65 |
1525220215026389 | | Google Analytics API | 894 |
1525220215025631 | | Google Analytics API | 67 |
1525220215068325 | | Google Ads | 3 |
This report can be generated by querying
dimensions mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros
, accessMechanism
, and the accessCount
The report contains one row per each user/access mechanism combination. The
dimension contains the last time a user
accessed the property using the specified access mechanism.
Property access overview
It is possible to generate a report for a property without breaking down on individual users. For example, the following report states how often a property is accessed using different access mechanisms:
Accessed property ID | Accessed property name | Access mechanism | Access count |
12345678 | DemoApp | Firebase | 31 |
12345678 | DemoApp | Google Analytics User Interface | 624 |
12345678 | DemoApp | Google Ads | 83 |
12345678 | DemoApp | Google Analytics API | 1744 |
This report can be generated by querying
dimensions accessedPropertyId
, accessMechanism
, and the accessCount
The report contains one row per each property ID/access mechanism combination.
Individual data access
To generate a report where each row is based on an individual data access
record, omit the mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros
dimension from a query and
use the epochTimeMicros
dimension instead. It is not necessary to query the
metric, since every row of the report contains information about a
single data access occurrence.
The following report contains detailed information about each time a user accessed the specified property.
Unix epoch time micros | User email | Accessed property ID | Accessed property name | User IP | Access mechanism | Cost data returned | Revenue data returned |
1525220215025371 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Analytics User Interface | true | true |
1525220645645645 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Analytics User Interface | false | false |
1525220211312322 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Ads | true | false |
1525220210234221 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Firebase | false | false |
1525220215028368 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Ads | false | false |
1525220214234231 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Ads | true | true |
1525220423423452 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Analytics API | true | false |
1525220132312333 | | 12345678 | DemoApp | | Google Ads | true | true |
This report can be generated by querying
dimensions epochTimeMicros
, userEmail
, accessedPropertyName
, userIP
, accessMechanism
, revenueDataReturned