Publisher Data Catalogs
Publisher Data Catalogs are curated by the publisher of the dataset for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as collections of Earth Engine assets. These Catalogs are not curated by Google Earth Engine.
Forest Data Partnership
4 datasets
The Forest Data Partnership strengthens collaboration and application around global monitoring of commodity-driven deforestation, forest degradation and restoration efforts across the globe.
Geoscience Australia
6 datasets
Geoscience Australia provides Earth observation services, expert advice, and information for decision makers. Program objectives are:
- ensure continuity of access to remotely sensed information in support of government priorities.
- promote use and value of satellite imagery within government, industry and the wider community.
- advance remote sensing science through extracting value and use of EOS to its full potential
- provide data stewardship to ensure access to data, and
- provide national imagery coordination for disasters and emergencies.
Land & Carbon Lab Global Pasture Watch
3 datasets
The Land & Carbon Lab, convened by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Bezos Earth Fund, established the Global Pasture Watch research consortium. The consortium, which is made up of experts in geospatial monitoring, machine learning, ecology and agriculture across some of the world's leading research institutions, is developing global products for grasslands and livestock grazing in the 21st century.
National Ecological Observatory Network
5 datasets
The U.S. National Science Foundation's National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a continental-scale observation facility operated by Battelle and designed to collect long-term open access ecological data to better understand how U.S. ecosystems are changing. In addition to in situ data products, NEON provides repeat high-resolution airborne remote sensing data at 81 terrestrial and aquatic field sites throughout the United States and Puerto Rico for ecological research and monitoring.
3 datasets
Planet provides daily satellite data that helps businesses, governments, researchers, and journalists understand the physical world and take action. Through Norway’s International Climate & Forests Initiative (NICFI), users can now access Planet’s high-resolution, analysis-ready mosaics of the world’s tropics in order to help reduce and reverse the loss of tropical forests, combat climate change, conserve biodiversity, and facilitate sustainable development for non commercial uses.
2 datasets
WeatherNext is a growing suite of next-generation weather forecasting AI models developed by Google