Method: assets.list

Retrieves a list of assets based on asset metadata. The method can retrieve all assets or only assets owned by the content owner.

Note that in cases where duplicate assets have been merged, the API response only contains the synthesized asset. (It does not contain the constituent assets that were merged into the synthesized asset.)

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Query parameters



The fetchMatchPolicy parameter specifies the version of the asset's match policy that should be returned in the API response.

The fetchMatchPolicy parameter specifies a comma-separated list of versions of the asset's match policy that should be returned in the API response. The deprecated field matchPolicy is only set if exactly one value of fetchMatchPolicy is specified. Acceptable values are:

  • effective – Retrieve the match policy that YouTube applies for the asset.
  • mine – Retrieve the match policy set by the default content owner for the currently authenticated user.
  • none – Do not retrieve the asset's match policy. This is the default value.


The fetchMetadata parameter specifies the version of the asset's metadata that should be returned in the API response. In some cases, YouTube receives metadata for an asset from multiple sources, such as when different partners own the asset in different territories.



The fetchOwnership parameter specifies the version of the asset's ownership data that should be returned in the API response. As with asset metadata, YouTube can receive asset ownership data from multiple sources.

The fetchOwnership parameter specifies a comma-separated list of versions of the asset's ownership data that should be returned in the API response. As with asset metadata, YouTube can receive asset ownership data from multiple sources.

The deprecated field ownership is only set if exactly one value of fetchOwnership is specified.

Acceptable values are:

  • canonicalThis parameter has been deprecated. See effective.
  • effective – Retrieve the ownership data that YouTube has algorithmically determined is the most accurate for the asset.
  • mine – Retrieve the ownership data provided by the default content owner associated with the currently authenticated user.
  • none – Do not retrieve any ownership data. This is the default value.


The fetchOwnershipConflicts parameter allows you to retrieve information about ownership conflicts.



The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube Asset IDs that identify the assets you want to retrieve. As noted in the method description, if you try to retrieve an asset that YouTube identified as a duplicate and merged with another asset, the API response only returns the synthesized asset. In that case, the aliasId property in the asset resource specifies a list of other asset IDs that can be used to identify that asset.

Also note that the API response does not contain duplicates. As such, if your request identifies three asset IDs, and all of those have been merged into a single asset, then the API response identifies one matching asset.



The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are associated with multiple content owners.

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

A paginated list of asset resources returned in response to assets.list request.

If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "kind": string,
  "items": [
      object (Asset)


The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner#assetList.


object (Asset)

A list of asset resources that match the request criteria.

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.