Validator Errors

In each validation error, the messageCode and message properties identify an error or warning in the file being validated. This document contains a list of issues that cause validation issues. This information is intended to help you identify, diagnose, and resolve issues affecting files you plan to ingest to YouTube.

Configuration Issues

The table below lists issues that the validator identifies. The numeric ID uniquely identifies the validator error and corresponds to the messageCode property in the validation error. The table also shows a description of the error and a sample error message. The sample message corresponds to the validation error's message property.

Some descriptions contain variables that are populated to reflect data about your actual file. For example, error code 50 indicates that the provided file does not follow the XML schema and has a particular error at a particular line and column number. The sample error message says, "Failed schema validation on line "10, column 5, with error: Unknown element." However, the line number, column number, and error are all based on the content of the file you are validating.

Validation error codes
49 The given file is not in XML

Example: The file "File.txt is not in XML format. Error: Error"
50 The provided file doesn't follow schema and it has the given error in the given line and column numbers

Example: Failed schema validation on line "10, column 5, with error: Unknown element"
51 Error while parsing the given XML file because it is invalid

Example: File "file.txt" is not a valid XML file
52 Content of the given XML tag is unknown or doesn't follow the XML schema

Example: Unsupported value: "XYZ for element: NumberTag"
54 The localization info for the given element is missing

Example: Element: "BasicMetadata" is missing localized info
57 Video is missing from the given presentation

Example: A Video is required for the Presentation: "PRESENTATION_1"
80 ContainerLocation is missing for track

Example: ContainerLocation is missing for track: "TRACK_ID"
87 Failed to find presentation definition with the given ID

Example: Presentation: "PRESENTATION_1 not found in available presentations: [PRESENTATION_10, PRESENTATION_12]"
89 Presentation definition don't include any vide track and it is mandatory

Example: Presentation: "PRESENTATION_ID" must have one video track
95 Missing AudioVisual element for the given experience

Example: Experience: "EXPERIENCE_ID" must have a main Audiovisual
96 No PlayableSequence with the given ID was found

Example: PlayableSequence: "PLAYABLE_SEQUENCE_ID" must have an ID associated with it
97 More than one playable sequences has the same ID

Example: PlayableSequence: "PLAYABLE_SEQUENCE_ID" has a duplicate ID
98 Presentation has more than one video track, we only support having one track

Example: Presentation: "PRESENTATION_ID" has too many video tracks
101 The given PlayableSequence has a sequence number that is not correct

Example: PlayableSequence: "PLAYABLE_SEQUENCE_ID has an invalid sequence number: 100"
102 No clips found in PlayableSequence which should at least has one clip

Example: PlayableSequence: "PLAYABLE_SEQUENCE_ID" must have at least one clip
103 Neither PresentationID or PlayableSequenceID has been provided for the given AudioVisual, one of them is required

Example: Audiovisual element: "AudioVisualElement" must have either a PresentationID or a "+ "PlayableSequenceID
104 Audiovisual element can't have both Presentation and PlayableSequence. It must only have one of them

Example: Audiovisual element: "AudioVisual" must not have both a Presentation or a PlayableSequence
106 Missing audio for subtitle in the given language

Example: None of the mentioned audios in provided XML have "SubType subtitle-type and EN" language
108 The given genres were invalid

Example: Parsing an unknown genre: "[education, family]"
109 Invalid language code

Example: The language: "XYZ" is invalid
113 More than one localization info was provided, there should only be one default

Example: Multiple default localized info were provided. Found languages: "[en, ar]"
114 The same language has more than on localization info

Example: Multiple localized info for "[en, ar]" were provided
123 The given presentation definition has two or more subtitles in the same languages and types

Example: Presentation: "presentation has a duplicate subtitle with language: en and type: type"
132 The given Content ID is missing from InventoryItems

Example: The Content ID "Content-ID" is missing in InventoryItems
133 The given content ID was found more than once in InventoryItems, only one was expected

Example: The Content ID "Content-ID" is found duplicated in InventoryItems
137 Multiple experiences was provided for the same ALID with the same condition

Example: Found multiple Experiences that match EL "ALID for experienceId1 condition: experienceId2. "+ "Ignoring EL US"
141 Missing original audio in the given presentation definition

Example: Presentation "presentation" has no original audio
142 The original audio file in the given presentation doesn't point to the video

Example: Presentation "presentationId" doesn't have the original audio pointing to the video file
147 The was no title provided for this media in the given language

Example: The metadata for the "en" language has no title
148 The given Experience element was not found in the XML

Example: Experience "" not found in the XML
149 The given Experience ID matches with more than one experience

Example: Multiple experiences matching the same ExperienceID: ""
150 Ignoring given expereience because of generic reason

Example: Ignoring Experience " because: Not mapped to current package"
174 File references must start with 'file://'

Example: Invalid file reference "file:/file.txt". Reference must start with the 'file://' prefix
176 referenced experience not found

Example: Experience "Child-Expereience (referenced from Parent-Experience") is missing
186 The root element in the XML Manifest file isn't valid

Example: "Invalid root element in Manifest. Only MediaManifest is allowed",
197 Main experience uses other invalid experience (other main experience) as a trailer

Example: Cannot use experience " to promote main experience"
201 ContainerLocation has multiple locations for track, using the first

Example: ContainerLocation has multiple locations for track: "TRACK_ID"
211 Not parsing any of the experiences

Example: Not parsing any of the experiences. Reason: "No experience-mapping found with current package"